What Is Greeking?
Greeking is the process of using symbols or illegible text to represent text templates for layout or previews. This process is called greeking because "it's Greek to me" refers to the Greek language. As you probably know, Greek is a language that most people cannot read or understand. It can be a good thing to keep information hidden from prying eyes, but it can also be harmful if you accidentally leave some Greek on your document and don't realize it until you're ready to publish or send it. Fortunately, there are ways to find out if there are any greeks in your documents before sending them out into the world! Greeking can be done in several ways. One particular type of greeking is done when preview rendering uses lines, bars or other text symbols to stand in for text that would otherwise be too small to read. For example, if you're working on a web page and want to show what your site will look like on an iPhone screen, you might greek out the text, so it's easier to read. Greeking can also be used when designing an app. You should see precisely how a button looks without having to go through all the trouble of creating each button element separately. Lorem ipsum is the king of greeking. It's been around since the early days of computing when people were still working out how to use typewriters and computers, and it's been making an appearance in digital content ever since. It's also a hot-button issue in the lorem ipsum world — some people feel that it's not a good practice to use lorem ipsum in your design process because it gives you an inaccurate idea of how your finished product will look. And then some think that using lorem ipsum is just fine because it lets them focus on layout issues without being distracted by pretty words!
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