What Is Facebook Like-Gating?

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Facebook likes. It is something that all of us strive to get more and more of. It is for some people that basically defines their lives; for others, it is something that makes their time and effort worthwhile. We all love them, and we all want them. What does it mean when an unknown person sends you a request to be your friend on Facebook? What indicators do you have that they can be relied upon? If you enjoy the same kinds of things that they do, it's probably a good idea to accept their request. It is an innovative approach to guaranteeing that the individuals who make contact with you on the internet are individuals with who you would enjoy spending time in the real world. It works simply, you log in with Facebook and choose which of your profile pics should be available for others to see. Then, other users will see those photos when they send requests or messages. If the person sending the message also has chosen one of your photos as part of their profile picture options, then it means that they have similar interests, and it is worth getting to know! It's time to take the "Like" out of like-gating. Facebook is banning the practice of incentivizing users to "like" a page to gain access to a profile or another type of content, and it's about time. The move toward banning Facebook Like-gating promotes openness in Web communications and forces profiles to acquire Facebook "likes" through organic and natural user choices, not through incentives. This is a significant step forward for social media users who want more engagement with their profiles based on quality rather than quantity and for brands that want people to interact with them because they genuinely enjoy the content they're sharing. So, try it, and meet some new friends today!

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