What Is Branch Coverage Testing?
Accidents are something that can occure at any place and at any time. You sould hence be always a step ahead and prepared for every eventuallity. The same thing also applies to your softwares and how you handle them. It's the easiest way to ensure that your software runs smoothly and that you only accidentally write off your entire savings account when you run it. How do you know if you're doing it right? What if you think you're doing it right, but someone comes along and tells you they got into a fight with their significant other while testing your new app? Or what if they told them they were in love with them? Or what if both happened at once? Branch coverage testing is systematic testing requiring all program branches or conditional states to be tested at least once during a testing process. It is a type of functional testing that tests every path through a code base, ensuring that all possible outcomes are considered. The goal is to keep the number of branches executed by a program as low as possible. As each unit can potentially introduce new bugs into your schedule, limiting how many components are implemented will limit the number of bugs in your program. This type of test helps ensure that all possible code paths have been tested (or "covered"), but it does not guarantee that any given approach has been tested multiple times. There might be some untested lines of code within your application. Still, it also means that there won't be any scenarios where two different lines of code are executed more than once - which could cause unexpected results. You know how you always say, "I'm not sure if I believe in branch coverage testing as a metric"? Well, now you can stop saying that.
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