What Is Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)?
Knowledge is power, so get the ability to know what you should need to know to pass your upcoming and critical CCNA exam. We'll give you a dollar if you can find a faster, easier way to pass the Cisco CCNA exam. We'll give you an actual dollar if you pass this exam and get certified without reading all these pages. We have that much confidence in what we offer. CCNA is the second level of Cisco's five-level career certification process, certifying a technician's ability to install, set up, configure, troubleshoot and operate a medium-sized routed and switched computer network. It includes implementing and verifying connections to a vast area network (WAN). The CCNA curriculum covers networking fundamentals, LAN switching technologies and routing technologies. Thanks to introducing of the new curriculum in October 2016, obtaining the CCNA has become even more accessible. You no longer have to take a written exam or choose a track when getting the CCNA. Once you have the prerequisite certifications (required for every way except the new routing and switching path), you can enroll in any training program that offers the new curriculum. The new curriculum consists of three courses: Introduction to Networks (NET11), Introduction to Cisco Networking (NET21), and Routing and Protocols (RPT11). After completing these courses, you will receive an active Cisco that offers advanced certifications valid for five years. To earn an advanced diploma, you must first make a primary or specialist certification and then additional requirements, such as working in a particular industry for a certain amount of time. To receive a certificate, students must earn a minimum passing grade of 80 percent or higher on each course exam. After completing the coursework, students are intensively prepared to sit for the Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification exam.
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