What Is New Enterprise Operating Model (NeoM)?
The term New Enterprise Operating Model (NeoM) is a mouthful. To get forward in business IT, you need to know what it means—and why it matters. NeoM stands for "new enterprise operating model." It's a term that refers to the fundamental adaptation of companies to new IT realities. Aspects of NeoM involve reimagining the business platform, breaking down silos and diversifying services for business process automation and more. In other words, this is where your company goes from being able to do one thing (like make widgets) well to doing a whole bunch of things (like making widgets and also making waffles) well. It's important because it means you can offer more value to your customers—which will always be a good thing! It's not just enough to change the ways that businesses build platforms. A NeoM involves more. You need to use software like customer relationship management (CRM) systems and enterprise resource planning tools—not just any old CRM or ERP system, but ones designed for the modern age. It would be best to have more targeted analytics operations to support your business as you move forward. In short, NeoM isn't just about changing how you build platforms; it's about ensuring your entire business is built for today's world. NeoM is not new. It's an old idea that has existed for a long time but never really caught on. Now, NeoM is coming back in a big way and here's why: Experts talking about NeoM often talk about changing our ideas about a business platform. The idea is that traditional API-based structures are not the end solution and that other technologies can be added to provide a much more productive result. What does this mean? It means you can use NeoM to create your proprietary technology or modify existing technologies to get them working better for you!
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