What Is Linear Pulse Code Modulation (LPCM)?

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Encoding digital audio data can be done using a method known as linear pulse code modulation, abbreviated LPCM for short. Imagine recording your favorite song and converting it into a string of 1s and 0s so that it can be saved on a computer or played back on a digital device. This is analogous to what is happening here. LPCM is a technique for encoding digital audio data in such a way as to maintain the quality of the original audio as faithfully as possible. At its heart, LPCM is a method. This is achieved by converting a continuous analog audio signal into a series of discrete digital samples and then repeating this process. The process of LPCM is relatively straightforward; the audio signal is sampled at predetermined intervals, and the signal's amplitude is evaluated at each sample point. LPCM is a form of low-pass coded modulation. After that, the amplitude is quantized, which means it is rounded to the closest value that a predetermined number of bits can represent. This completes the process. LPCM is a lossless audio coding method, and it is possible to decode the encoded audio data and retrieve the original audio signal without the slightest bit of deterioration in the sound quality of either of these processes. It is used quite frequently in professional audio applications such as recording and mixing and in specific consumer devices such as DVD players and Blu-ray players. In addition, it is utilized in several other professional audio applications. It is a lossless method, and LPCM is a common choice for encoding audio data. This implies that the encoded audio data can be decoded back to the original audio signal without degrading quality. It is frequently used in audio applications designed for professionals and consumer devices such as DVD and Blu-ray players. #LPCMEncoding #DigitalAudio

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