What Is Data-Driven Testing (DDT)?

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What is your level of familiarity with Data-Driven Testing (DDT)? It is a software testing method where statistics drive the testing itself. DDT's automation and efficiency gains are compared to manually creating test cases. The first step is to build a collection of parametric test cases in which values are not hard-coded but are instead represented by variables. The tests are then executed with various data sets using a program (such as Selenium or Appium). The application will repeatedly run the test suite with multiple data by swapping out the values of the variables. Why, then, do we need to conduct such elaborate tests? For one thing, using DDT will reduce the amount of work you have to put in. Automating the process and letting the tool do the hard lifting beats the alternative, which is to manually write out hundreds or thousands of test cases. More problem catches are possible with its aid. When you run your tests on multiple data sets, you increase the likelihood of finding edge instances and unexpected behavior. However, a few specialized terms must be remembered when working with DDT. For instance, you must ensure the variety and completeness of your test data, including testing with a broad range of values to cover all the bases. High-quality test data, which includes being precise, complete, and error-free, is also essential. Your experiments will only be valid if the data you use to create them is valuable. Last but not least, use the appropriate instrument. Numerous DDT instruments exist, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Research your options and pick the tool that will serve you best. This concludes our brief overview of data-driven testing. It's a valuable tool that can help you discover more bugs with less effort. Ensure your tests are efficient and effective by monitoring the aforementioned technical terms: test data, data quality, and testing tools.

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