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Sellix adds Concordium's CCD token as a payment method

By PR Newswire

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ZUG, Switzerland, Oct. 27, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Sellix, an all-in-one platform for anyone to sell digital products online, announces that they will allow customers of Sellix merchants to pay using CCD, the payment token of science-backed blockchain Concordium.

CCD will be offered as an available payment method for all businesses and enterprises, retailers, and many more using the Sellix platform. This represents an important step towards further adoption of the CCD token, with Sellix growing at an exponential rate and currently facilitating ~300 daily invoices over ~3,000 active merchants in the past 90 days.

Additionally, user cases building on Concordium will be able to use Sellix as a platform to sell subscriptions, tokens, serial keys, digital downloads, video courses, software and licenses.

A public-permissionless layer 1 blockchain designed to balance privacy with accountability, through its native token, CCD, Concordium offers negligible transaction fees and fast confirmations. 

Sellix processes crypto payouts within 24 hours, directly to its customers' wallets and without ever relying on third parties to handle transactions or manage transaction volume. To date, Sellix has processed over $50M in global FIAT and crypto payments, saw over two million successful individual orders, blocked 641K orders from screening three million potentially fraudulent orders, and supports customers 24/7 with a built-in ticketing system. 

By continuously solidifying their focus on building the future of digital eCommerce, Sellix is seeing quick and constant growth, and it's proud to offer Concordium's CCD to further maximize its reach and potential.

Daniele Servadei, CEO of Sellix, says: "Now the CCD will join the ranks of payment methods on Sellix to support over 250,000+ businesses and individuals. Sellix increases the outreach and provides CCD as a token for merchants worldwide enabling them to accept CCD when selling digital goods, providing services or integrating Sellix as a payment gateway for their customers." 

Michael Jackson, from Concordium, says: "Concordium's CCD is the ideal token for eCommerce merchants. Lightning fast, cheap to use and dependable. Sellix merchants will be delighted with nature of a CCD transaction. For user cases building on Concordium, the functionality of Sellix is a true game changer, allowing merchants and use cases on Concordium to accept payments with advanced merchant functionality in a wide variety of currencies."


Maria Amalia Rojas

Marketing Director

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First published on Thu, Oct 27, 2022

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