TechDogs-"Qritive Joins Forces With Roche To Redefine Global Cancer Diagnostics With AI"

Healthcare Technology

Qritive Joins Forces With Roche To Redefine Global Cancer Diagnostics With AI

By PR Newswire

PR Newswire
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SINGAPORE, Sept. 12, 2024 /CNW/ -- Qritive, a leading digital pathology and AI company headquartered in Singapore, is proud to announce its collaboration with Roche, one of the largest diagnostics and life sciences companies in the world. This collaboration represents a significant milestone to advance cancer diagnostics and treatment and accelerate adoption of AI by pathologists.

With Qritive's AI-powered solutions fully integrated with Roche navify® Digital Pathology platform, pathologists can leverage AI technology to diagnose cancer more accurately and efficiently, leading to reduced time to treatment and enhanced patient outcomes. These clinically validated AI modules, designed for colon, prostate, breast, and gastric cancers, analyze whole slide images to identify and grade tumor with precision. These tools have been shown to improve pathology reporting time by up to 10-fold and reduce the risk of misdiagnosis dramatically.

As Bruno Occhipinti, CEO of Qritive, puts it, "we are truly excited to see how the integration of our AI-powered solutions within the highly performing Roche navify® Digital Pathology platform will augment pathologists' performance, enabling affordable and accurate diagnostics at scale."

Qritive's collaboration with Roche reinforces its commitment to empowering pathologists globally with state-of-the-art AI-powered solutions and alleviating the pressure on the healthcare system. By bringing its innovative AI-based pathology solutions to a broader audience, Qritive continues to play a pivotal role in the future of cancer diagnostics.

For more information about Qritive and its AI-powered solutions, please visit or contact

About Qritive:

Headquartered in Singapore, with operations in the US and India, Qritive is a breakthrough Artificial Intelligence (AI) solution developer that is advancing digital pathology for cancer diagnosis and improving health outcomes. Qritive leverages deep learning technology to support the interpretation of pathology tests for time and resource-strapped pathologists, enabling faster diagnosis and reducing time to treatment for patients. Qritive is dedicated to empowering healthcare professionals across the globe with AI-powered solutions to operate collaboratively at the peak of their performance despite complexity and distance.

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SOURCE Qritive Pte. Ltd.

First published on Thu, Sep 12, 2024

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