TechDogs-"Ping An Health Launches "Healthy Steps" Initiative To Boost National Health Literacy Through Collaboration"

Healthcare Technology

Ping An Health Launches "Healthy Steps" Initiative To Boost National Health Literacy Through Collaboration

By PR Newswire

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HONG KONG and SHANGHAI, Nov. 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Ping An Healthcare and Technology Company Limited ("Ping An Good Doctor", "Ping An Health", or "the Company", Stock Code: 1833.HK) launched the "Healthy Steps" National Health Literacy Initiative at the Ping An Finance Center in Shanghai. This initiative, hosted by the Shanghai Volunteers Association for Science and Technology Promotion, and co-organized by the Ping An Volunteers Association and the Company, aims to enhance public awareness and literacy in health management, promote national health development, build a sustainable health ecosystem, and actively support the "Healthy China 2030" blueprint.

At the launch ceremony, Li Dou, Chairman of the Board and CEO of Ping An Health, outlined the company's efforts in ESG development. He explained that, as a key component Ping An Group's health and senior care ecosystem strategy, Ping An Health operates within the broader healthcare sector, carrying a strong social responsibility and unique ESG value. Ping An Health has consistently fulfilled its social responsibility by focusing on accessible healthcare, upholding stringent quality control and safety standards, and enhancing the user experience. Ping An Health views ESG as an intrinsic driver of sustainable growth and will strive to deeply integrate ESG principles into product innovation and the restructuring of its corporate service system.

This year, Ping An Health has made significant strides in ESG development. The Company officially joined the United Nations Global Compact in April, and its ESG rating has been upgraded from "A" to "AA" by MSCI on October 7th, ranking it first among healthcare providers and services for overall ESG performance.

Ping An Health stated that the "Healthy Steps" initiative is another demonstration of the Company's unwavering commitment to social responsibility and sustainable development. Looking ahead, Ping An Health will continue to conduct hundreds of outreach events in businesses and communities to promote health management concepts, knowledge, and skills through educational and experiential activities. By integrating ESG principles into its products, services, and healthcare ecosystem development, Ping An Health strives to empower every enterprise with a harmonious workplace, every family with a dedicated doctor, and every user with a safe and healthy Life.

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SOURCE Ping An Healthcare and Technology Company Limited

First published on Fri, Nov 15, 2024

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