Manufacturing Technology
LNG Alliance sets up a New Energies Business Unit in India to Accelerate Zero Carbon Solutions
By PR Newswire
CHENNAI, India, Oct. 18, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Carbon Governance Pte Ltd, an affiliate of LNG Alliance Pte Ltd., Singapore has established a new business unit 'Linga New Energies Pvt Ltd', in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India to serve as a leading-edge technology hub for green hydrogen and focus on new energies project developments in India and Southeast Asia.
India is a global leader in the renewable space, having the fourth highest wind power and fifth highest solar installed capacity in the world. Linga New Energies aims to build on the strong ecosystem and talent pool of solar power and wind farm expertise, readily available in Tamil Nadu. The southern state of Tamil Nadu has the largest installed wind generating capacity among all the states in India, accounting for almost one fourth of India's installed capacity, and has one of the highest potential for offshore wind farms with its 1076 kms long coastline. Tamil Nadu is planning to install an additional 20,000 MW solar capacity by 2030, which will contribute significantly to the national energy mandate to reach zero emissions.
Mr. Murali Dharan, Director for New Energies, said "Linga New Energies will focus on renewables based derivatives such as Green Hydrogen and Green Ammonia – the new fuel sources which are gaining popularity in the energy sphere. Hydrogen demand in India is expected to grow more than four times by 2050, that could represent 10% of the global market. In addition to this, we will work towards enhancing the capacity building for affordable Battery Energy Storage Systems, where we see a great market opportunity in India."
India has a distinct advantage in low-cost renewable electricity, which paves the way for green hydrogen to emerge as the most cost-effective solution for a carbon neutral future. "Supported by a team of domestic industry veterans with decades of experience in the renewable sector and backed by a team of international experts in new energies, Linga New Energies plans to establish a nucleus for growth of the new energies sector. We plan to partner with leading universities in Tamil Nadu and international universities to create a Centre of Excellence for Green Hydrogen, creating the first of its kind ecosystem for the energy transition for a sustainable future in South Asia," said Dr. Gho Wie Min, Technical Director of Carbon Governance Pte Ltd., Singapore.
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SOURCE LNG Alliance Pte Ltd
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First published on Tue, Oct 18, 2022
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