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Broadcat Announces Appointment of Director of Operations

By PR Newswire

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Behavioral compliance design leader appoints Kitty Holt as Director of Operations

, Nov. 23, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Broadcat LLC ("Broadcat"), the leading provider of operationalized compliance training, is pleased to announce the appointment of a Director of Operations, Kitty Holt. Kitty is responsible for maintaining and elevating organizational efficiency as Broadcat continues to scale. She will oversee key business functions including HR, IT, marketing, and administration.

Kitty joins Broadcat from Plan International USA, where she worked in the areas of donor retention and research, before starting up their compliance function over a decade ago. "Kitty's experience working cross-functionally and at all levels of the organization will be invaluable in her new role at Broadcat," Broadcat CEO Alex Klingelberger noted. In her time at Plan, Kitty spearheaded a number of projects with employees across the organization, including risk management, managing a strategic planning process, streamlining procedures to ensure program participants are kept safe, and working with other team members to efficiently roll out policies. Kitty holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Bryant University and a Masters of Business Administration from University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth.

"I have admired Broadcat for a number of years and am thrilled to be working with them. Their innovative and entertaining approach which meets employees where they are makes them stand out among their peers," Kitty says.

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About Broadcat: At Broadcat, we take a behavioral approach to compliance communications and training. That means we work with how people actually are—busy and overwhelmed with day-to-day tasks—not how we'd like them to be. Noted as a "behavioral compliance best practice" by the Temple Law Review, we craft tools that guide employees on what to do at the right moment, making it clear how compliance and ethics applies to regular job duties like financial approvals, maintaining privacy, managing vendors, closing deals, and more. Broadcat is a portfolio company of Featherweight Capital Partners and is based in Dallas, Texas.

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First published on Wed, Nov 23, 2022

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