TechDogs-"Brian Napora Of Gestalt Elected As Co-Chair For DICOM Working Group 26"

Healthcare Technology

Brian Napora Of Gestalt Elected As Co-Chair For DICOM Working Group 26

By PR Newswire

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Newly Elected are Brian Napora (Gestalt) and Dr. Mustafa Yousif (University of Michigan)

SPOKANE, Wash., Sept. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- We are pleased to announce the election of Brian Napora from Gestalt and Dr. Mustafa Yousif from the University of Michigan as the new co-chairs. Both began their duties on June 1, 2024.

The DICOM WG-26 is dedicated to supporting and developing the DICOM Standard for the Pathology Domain.

The DICOM WG-26 is dedicated to supporting and developing the DICOM Standard for the Pathology Domain. This includes handling whole slide images and macros for production, storage, and communication. The group aims to integrate the pathology domain into the broader healthcare process by enhancing system interoperability through global standards, thereby creating seamless workflows.

Recently, the DICOM community has seen significant activity in digital pathology, particularly through the efforts of WG-26. The group has successfully organized four DICOM Digital Pathology Connectathons over the past several years. These events have brought together vendors from across the digital pathology community to demonstrate interoperability and showcase advancements.

DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) is the international standard for transmitting, storing, retrieving, printing, processing, and displaying medical imaging information. It ensures that medical imaging data is interoperable, enabling the integration of image acquisition devices, archive solutions, and workstations from different vendors.

"We're seeing momentum build for broader adoption of the DICOM standard and the WG-26 efforts to enable standardized exchange of large annotation datasets is an important piece in delivering the potential of digital pathology," says Brian Napora, Gestalt's VP, AI Innovation. "I'm committed to continuing an open and community driven process. I will work hard to encourage more participation by healthcare institutions and technology providers."

About Gestalt Gestalt Diagnostics transforms pathology through an intelligent, configurable, vendor-neutral, and AI-driven digital workflow that provides true interoperability enabling pathologists to diagnose* diseases faster and more efficiently. Our PathFlow solution consists of professional, education, and research modules for ease of mixing and matching the digital needs of your facility in a single solution, freeing pathologists from tedious, repetitive, and manual tasks, allowing them to focus on their expertise – providing invaluable experience where it matters most. To learn more, visit and follow @Gestalt on LinkedIn and @Gestalt122 on Twitter.

About WG-26 DICOM's Working Group 26 (WG-26) was established in 2005 to develop and extend the DICOM medical imaging standard for pathology and whole slide imaging (WSI). It is run by a group of dedicated volunteers comprised of members from industry, clinicians and academics who have common interests in advancing the field of digital pathology through interoperability and standards development. DICOM and WG-26 are public entities; anyone can become a member and attend their meetings. WG-26 meets by teleconference and at international pathology events including Pathology Visions, United States & Canadian Academy of Pathology (USCAP) Annual Meeting, Pathology Informatics (PI) Summit, European Congress of Pathology (ECP), European Congress on Digital Pathology (ECDP), and more. You can join our mailing list here or learn more about WG-26 here

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SOURCE Gestalt Diagnostics

First published on Wed, Sep 11, 2024

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