Healthcare Technology
AMSURG Expands In Northeast Texas With Acquisition Of Texarkana Surgery Center
By PR Newswire

NASHVILLE, Tenn., Jan. 23, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- AMSURG, an independent leader in ambulatory surgery center services, has acquired an ownership interest in Texarkana Surgery Center, an outpatient surgery center in northeast Texas, near the Arkansas border. The partnership will bring operational expertise, advanced clinical resources and strategic guidance to the center and its team of board-certified physicians.
"AMSURG's acquisition of the Texarkana Surgery Center represents a continued commitment to delivering exceptional outpatient surgical care," said John Lamberth, Chief Development Officer at AMSURG. "Their skilled team and proven record of prioritizing patient experience, in combination with our support, make this partnership a seamless fit that will provide valuable contributions to the community."
Texarkana Surgery Center's physicians offer same-day procedures in multiple specialties, including ophthalmology, orthopedics, gastroenterology, gynecology and general surgery. The freestanding, state-of-the-art facility spans 17,000 square feet and includes four operating rooms and three procedure rooms, ensuring patient convenience and comfort.
The center is currently open and accepting patients. If you or someone you know could benefit from Texarkana Surgery Center's care and services, visit texarkanasurgerycenter.com or request an appointment.
AMSURG is an independent leader in ambulatory surgery center services, operating a network of more than 250 surgery centers nationwide. In partnership with physicians and health systems, the organization delivers high-quality patient care across a diverse spectrum of medical specialties, including gastroenterology, ophthalmology and orthopedics. With a focus on strategic growth and innovation, AMSURG is committed to transforming the future of ambulatory surgery center care and services. To learn more about AMSURG, visit www.amsurg.com.
View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/amsurg-expands-in-northeast-texas-with-acquisition-of-texarkana-surgery-center-302358586.html
First published on Fri, Jan 24, 2025
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