TechDogs-"Muhdo Health And MGRC Announce An Exclusive Distribution Partnership In Turkey"

Healthcare Technology

Muhdo Health And MGRC Announce An Exclusive Distribution Partnership In Turkey

By GlobeNewswire

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London, England , Dec. 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Muhdo Health, a global leader in DNA and Epigenetic consumer testing, is thrilled to announce an exclusive distribution agreement with Rgentic Saglik Turizm ve Ticaret AS for genetic testing kits in Turkey.

To ensure a seamless customer experience, the Muhdo Health app will be translated into Turkish, allowing local consumers to easily view their results on their mobile devices. Additionally, Muhdo Health’s web-based Practitioner Portal will be available in Turkish, enabling local clinics to conduct consultations in the native language.

Rgentic will also introduce a dedicated Turkish-language Muhdo-branded website,, to support the partnership. This site will offer both DNA and Epigenetic tests to Turkish consumers and clinics.

This partnership represents a significant opportunity for the Muhdo brand to establish a strong presence in Turkey's health and longevity sector.Quotes from Leadership

Nathan Berkley, CEO of Muhdo Health, stated: “Increasing the exposure of the Muhdo brand in Turkey and partnering with a trusted entity with robust commercial connections will propel our business forward. This exclusive partnership enables Muhdo to reach a new audience in a territory renowned for health, wellbeing, and longevity.”

Tekin Aldemir, Director of Rgentic, commented: “As Rgentic, we are very excited to partner with Muhdo and provide our clients and partners with the best genetic and epigenetic testing solutions on the market. We also look forward to expanding this partnership in the near future beyond Turkey, leveraging our existing network in the neighbouring territories of Turkey.”

About Rgentic

Rgnetic is the leading agency for the mediation and care of medical services in the fields of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery as well as Cosmetic Dentistry and Bariatric Surgery. It’s focus is on the highest medical standards, short waiting times and transparent and cost-effective pricing.

About Muhdo

Muhdo is the first company in the world to offer a true internal wellness epigenetic profiling program direct to companies and consumers, inspiring and supporting people to live healthier, happier, longer lives.  As a next generation genetic and big data company, it’s vision is the mass personalization of preventive and curative health through epigenetics and analytics, delivering a truly holistic and objective health and wellness program.

CONTACT: Nathan Berkley
Muhdo Health
nathan at

Tekin Aldemir
care at 

First published on Tue, Dec 31, 2024

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