TechDogs-"Swisslog Healthcare Announces Robotics Partnership With BD To Automate Pharmacy Inventory Management In US Hospitals"

Healthcare Technology

Swisslog Healthcare Announces Robotics Partnership With BD To Automate Pharmacy Inventory Management In US Hospitals

By Business Wire

Business Wire
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BROOMFIELD, Colo.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Swisslog Healthcare, a leading provider of robotic medication management solutions, and BD, a leading global medical technology company, have entered into a co-marketing agreement to offer hospital pharmacies a new approach to end-to-end medication management that combines robotics from Swisslog Healthcare with world-class inventory management and workflow software from BD.

The partnership addresses the growing need for sophisticated and robust robotic pharmacy automation systems in hospitals throughout North America. Large, complex health systems often have hundreds of points of medication storage and dispensing across multiple sites. The connectivity between Swisslog Healthcare robots and BD Pyxis™ Logistics smart medication management software will improve enterprise-level inventory tracking and automated workflows across these points of medication storage and dispensing.

By automating tasks that had previously been manual, such as checking inventory levels and ordering and receiving medication, hospitals can enhance their operational efficiency and reduce blind spots that can negatively impact financial, operational and clinical performance. This type of automation and connectivity is particularly critical in centralized service centers (CSCs) that process large volumes of prescription medications for multiple pharmacies within a hospital system.

“This collaboration represents a significant advantage for hospital pharmacies as they implement pharmacy automation solutions,” said Cory Kwarta, President and CEO of Swisslog Healthcare. “Our joint effort demonstrates our commitment to innovation, customer-centricity, and a focused strategy centered on robotic medication management solutions. This collaboration provides health systems with broader access to technology, enhancing their visibility of inventory across both automated and manual storage units while ensuring smoother implementation and seamless connectivity across multiple offerings.”

Both companies emphasize that Swisslog Healthcare and BD will maintain autonomy in sales and service while ensuring a shared commitment to customer satisfaction and advancing the impact of automation in health care.

About Swisslog Healthcare

Swisslog Healthcare provides integrated medication supply chain solutions to hospitals and health systems to assist providers in treating patients across the continuum of care. Integrating transport and pharmacy automation, value-added services, and intelligent software, Swisslog Healthcare enables healthcare providers to respond to patients' needs quickly and with greater accuracy. The company minimizes many sources of operational waste, so providers achieve higher levels of productivity to impact the well-being of patients in positive ways. For more information, visit

Swisslog Healthcare is a member of the KUKA Group, a leading global supplier of intelligent automation solutions. For more information, visit


For media inquiries, please contact:

Erica Fetherston
10 to 1 Public Relations

First published on Tue, Dec 10, 2024

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