Signifyd and Adobe Partner to Make Industry-Leading Fraud and Abuse Protection Available to Adobe Commerce Customers
By Business Wire

As global leaders delivering great digital experiences, the strategic partnership between Signifyd and Adobe empowers retailers and brands to provide elevated consumer buying journeys while optimizing revenue and increasing conversion rates.
SAN JOSE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--#Adobe--Commerce protection provider Signifyd announced today that it has achieved Platinum Partner status in the Adobe Technology Partner Program for Experience Cloud, making it the only fraud protection solution in the tier to offer complete and guaranteed chargeback protection to brands leveraging Adobe’s suite of commerce solutions.
Signifyd’s ascent to Platinum Partner status means it has never been easier for e-commerce merchants that rely on Adobe Commerce solutions globally to work with Signifyd to increase conversions while eliminating the risk of payments fraud, first-party fraud and policy abuse.
“We have long admired Adobe Commerce’s commitment to providing exceptional customer experience in the online world,” said Signifyd Chief Business Officer Indy Guha. “As an Adobe Platinum Partner providing commerce protection, Signifyd can now amplify those customer experience efforts by providing unparalleled fraud and abuse protection along with proven conversion uplift.”
The combination of Signifyd, the leading provider of payment security and fraud prevention for the world’s largest retailers, and Adobe, a global leader in powering high-quality digital experiences, provides online brands with a platform that delivers the industry’s best-in-class experience – from discovery and site experience to checkout, fulfillment and post-purchase support.
“We set out to build an online experience that matched the innovative heritage and premium feel of our versatile product lines while putting consumers’ needs at the center of it all,” said Sue Beckett, Lovesac senior vice president of digital marketing and ecommerce. “Adobe Commerce provides the powerful platform and partnership ecosystem to do that. Add to that Signifyd’s precision commerce protection — which speeds up fulfillment and ensures that good orders are not turned away — and we are able to provide Lovesac customers with the experience they deserve and one that will keep them coming back.”
The partnership is primed for a new era of ecommerce in which online merchants look to category leaders for the innovative solutions they need to thrive in a time when rising customer acquisition costs, higher fulfillment costs and inflationary pressures continue to squeeze digital commerce margins.
“Adobe is dedicated to assembling a partner ecosystem that is second to none,” said Justin Merickel, Adobe Experience Cloud vice president of business development. “Signifyd offers our customers the leading commerce protection platform and its laser focus on providing a peerless customer experience while maximizing brands’ revenue.”
Signifyd’s Commerce Protection Platform uses vast transaction intelligence from thousands of merchants globally to instantly sift fraudulent from legitimate orders — simultaneously protecting the enterprise from risk while increasing the number of legitimate orders that are fulfilled. In fact, Signifyd’s technology increases order approvals by an average of 5% to 9%, according to a before-and-after analysis of a sampling of merchants that have deployed the Commerce Protection Platform.
About Signifyd
Signifyd provides an end-to-end Commerce Protection Platform that leverages its Commerce Network to maximize conversion, automate customer experience and eliminate fraud and consumer abuse risk for retailers. Its solutions provide the transparency and control that brands need to succeed in the rapidly changing world of commerce. Signifyd, which is the leading provider of payment security and fraud prevention for the Top 1000 Retailers for 2023, is headquartered in San Jose, CA, with locations in Denver, New York, Mexico City, São Paulo, Belfast and London.
Mike Cassidy
Signifyd head of PR & storytelling
First published on Mon, Mar 27, 2023
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