What Is Web Services Trust Language (WS-Trust)?

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When we are talking about trusting something which is very important to you, this next one will help you in every sense of what it does. Its WS-Trust is a protocol for controlling web security tokens' issuance, renewal and validation. It is also responsible for creating a secure channel between participants before exchanging messages can take place. A protocol is a set of rules that two or more parties agree on. These rules aim to ensure that all parties communicate with each other in a way that makes sense to them and not just randomly make up rules as they go along. The rules can be straightforward, like "you should always use your fork at dinner," or complex, like "if you want to buy something from me online, you need to send me your credit card number first." In this case, we're talking about a protocol to ensure that all parties involved in an online transaction use their fork at dinner (so no one will steal anyone else's credit card numbers). Web Services Trust Language (WS-Trust) is a protocol for controlling the issuance, renewal and validation of Web security tokens. The protocol is an extension of Web Services Security and provides a very secure set of reliable frameworks for secure communication between various Web applications. It is also responsible for creating a secure channel between participants before exchanging messages can take place. Specifically, WS-Trust defines how a client can request a security token from an issuer that will be used in subsequent interactions with a relying party. This can include asking for a permit using Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) messages over Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). We're not saying you shouldn't trust us, but we have your best interests at heart.

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