What Is Traffic-Flow Security?

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You can get away with a lot when you're the only one who knows you're there. Like spies in movies, traffic-flow security is about hiding the fact that you were even there. It's about ensuring no one else can see your presence across a network or communication channel. Traffic-flow security works by using various measures or methods to hide the existence of messages across a communicational medium or to cloak otherwise messaging to prevent the observation of traffic levels across an IT infrastructure. Traffic flow security is often applied to telecommunication networks to prevent traffic analysis. It is used in computer networks, often in VPNs, to avoid data mining of sensitive data flows. In the case of telecommunication networks, traffic analysis can be used to discover details about people's activities and communications, often violating privacy laws. In computer networks, traffic flow security prevents data mining of sensitive data flows, often in compliance with data protection laws. Traffic-flow security is a system that makes it impossible for outsiders to see how much traffic flows over a system at any given time. The idea behind traffic-flow security is that even in highly protected systems, it is still possible for outsiders to ascertain the amount of traffic over a system at any given time. Using traffic-flow security tools makes it impossible for external observers to see whether traffic changes in real-time or when any message goes from one location to another. Just imagine. When you're on the internet, sometimes it feels like your privacy is constantly under attack. It doesn't have to be this way! Traffic-flow security is a way of protecting your data that's pretty simple: instead of trying to hide or encrypt all of your traffic, it focuses on hiding only the parts of the traffic that you want to protect. It's like leaving your house with a bag over your head. You can still see where you're going and move around, but nobody else can see what's happening inside that bag!

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