What Is System Request (SysRq)?

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In the early days of computing, there was no hard and fast rule about what each key on your keyboard did. If you know how you could make a key do whatever you want. That's why there is a system request (SysRq) key on most keyboards today. It's there so that when someone new to computers starts pushing random keys and things go haywire, they can hit this key and fix everything. This key was initially intended for switching operating systems, but now it's mainly used as an emergency tool to fix things when something has gone wrong. The SRQ key on most keyboards is located above the delete key on the same side of the keyboard. Most US computer keyboards are marked with an asterisk symbol (*). It is often colored blue. The key needs to be standardized; therefore, it may need to be added to some keyboards. By the early 2000s, most operating systems were no longer supported or installed with SRQ functionality. The system request key is the essential key on the keyboard. It's not just any other key; it's a key that does not match any other keyboard. It is a critical feature of the keyboard that IBM introduced. IBM introduced the system request key, triggering a particular BIOS routine to signal the operating system whenever it pressed this key. It helped to encourage a multitasking environment for users. You may have noticed that your keyboard has a button labeled "SysRq." What is that key for? We're here to tell you: it's the best thing to happen to keyboards since they were invented. The SysRq key was developed in 1991 as part of the Advanced Power Management (APM) specification and was adopted by Linux in 1994. It's a way for users to interact with the kernel, the core of any operating system, without restarting the computer. So why is this feature less widely used? Well, for one thing, most computers don't even have it anymore. Everyone should know about this fantastic tool, so we'll teach you how to use it!

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