What Is Storage Security?

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Many things can go wrong when storing data on a hard drive. You could accidentally delete it or have it stolen by someone with a USB-sized hole in their social security number. Storage security is one thing you can do to ensure your data is safe. Storage security is the collective processes, tools and technologies that ensure that only authorized and legitimate users store, access and use storage resources. It enables better security of any storage resource by implementing required technologies and policies on storage access and consumption and denying access to all unidentified and potentially malicious users. Storage's a tricky thing. It's like a vault. You want to keep stuff in there, but you also want to ensure that the locker is secure. So, you put a lock on it and hide it in an underground bunker, but then you have to make sure that the person with the key doesn't lose it or get mugged on their way to work every morning. If you're worried about security, consider putting some guards around your storage facility's perimeter, just in case someone tries to break in through the roof or something. Storage security ensures that no one can enter your data without your approval. There are lots of different ways of doing this, from encrypting data at rest (i.e., when it's sitting on physical media) or at "rest" (i.e., while it is being transferred over a network) to implementing enterprise-wide identity and access management (IAM) systems that control who has access to what data throughout your entire organization. It means that You can't store anything if you don't have any storage. If you don't have any storage, you can't keep your data, information and secrets. So, it makes sense that the first step in building a secure storage infrastructure is to ensure that only authorized users can access the resources they need.

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