What Is State?
A program's state is like an object's state except, you know, not really. In computer science, "state" is used to describe the condition of a program when it comes to stored inputs. In other words, it shows what's been put on the computer, like how much money you have in the bank account or how many miles you've run today. The term "state" here is used similarly to how it is used in science. For instance, the state of an object can be gas, liquid or solid, indicating its physical makeup at that moment in time. Similarly, in computer science, the state of a program can be one thing or another, indicating its current values or contents. In computer science, the state of a program is defined as its condition regarding stored inputs. The term "state" here is used similarly to how it is used in science, whereas the state of an object, for instance, as a gas, liquid or solid, shows its current physical makeup, and the state of a computer program shows its current values or contents. In other words, when you're programming your computer to do something, like add two numbers together and store the result in a variable, the data you enter into the program and then store in that variable is part of its state they're stored inputs. So, you've got all these variables and constants floating around. They're all stored in memory, but they can change. It means that the state of your program changes as it runs. It means you have to look at the state of your schedule to analyze it. That's just one way you can explore your code base and see if there's anything wrong with it. Do you want to test it? You know, check out if everything is working correctly or not.
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