What Is Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)?
You see, when you're moving files over the web, it's about more than just making sure they get there. You also have to worry about keeping them safe from prying eyes. That's where SFTP comes in! It is a file or a protocol for transferring large files over the web. It builds on the File Transfer Protocol and includes Secure Shell security components. SFTP is the best way to transfer files over the web. It's like FTP, but better—like a file transfer protocol built by an alien for their purposes. Let's say you've got this crucial file that needs to be transferred from your computer to the cloud, but you don't want anyone else in the world to see it. You could use SFTP! You'll need some tools: an SSH client and server, both available for Windows, macOS X, Linux (Ubuntu), and Android phones. You'll also need a private key and public key pair—these will allow you to log into your server without entering a password each time. That way, your data is safe even if someone tries to hack into your system! Once you've installed all your software and created your private and public key pairs, connect! Just drag and drop it to the server window—they'll show up on the other end automatically! Let's say you're a private citizen with a trade secret. Maybe it's a fantastic recipe for chocolate chip cookies, or perhaps it's the key to your heart—we don't know. We can see why you'd want to keep that information safe. Let's take this further: say you're a business user transmitting sensitive files via SFTP. You don't want them to fall into the wrong hands! Trade secrets can be devastatingly expensive to lose, and any particular data privacy rule doesn't cover them. So maybe you should use SFTP to transmit files containing trade secrets or similar information. Let's take another step: what if you're a private citizen who wants to encrypt their communications? Maybe some of us want to keep our stuff confidential from nosy people like your mom.
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