What Is Random Number Generator (RNG)?

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Random numbers are a thing of mystery. They're called lucky, but they're not. We all know that. They're not real numbers; they're just numbers that look like machines generated. But now, you can have your random number generator and use it to make your games and apps more fun! It's true—this is the first time anyone has made a random number generator you can use in your software applications. And it's perfect for any game or app that needs to generate a random number from 1-100 every time someone presses the button. A random number generator is a mathematical construct, either a computational or a hardware device. The word "random" here refers to the fact that these numbers can't be predicted or anticipated, so they're unpredictable. Random number generators are the modern-day equivalent of ancient dice and coin tosses. We've been using randomness devices for as long as we've been around. One of the most ancient randomness devices is still used today: the straw draw. It's even used in some modern-day political campaigns! Random number generators are just pseudorandom numbers that use a seed value to control the entire output sequence. Pseudorandom number generators are deterministic. But this isn't a problem in practice because it doesn't matter if you can expect what comes next if all your clients will ever see is one value at a time. True randomness is the best thing since sliced bread. It's also a great way to make your bingo game more exciting, increase the variety of loot you give, and keep players from getting bored with your game. Have you ever played a game that had pseudorandom number generation? Yeah, it's not as fun when you know how the numbers will come up.You see that same number repeatedly, and it just gets boring. But true randomness will help alleviate that problem by ensuring you never know what's coming next!

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