What Is Pulsing Zombie?

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When your website is attacked, you must know what you're up to. One type of attack is called a pulsing zombie, and it's a degradation-of-service attack that occurs when a hacker maliciously targets your system and compromises computer security by sending a steady stream of attacks over a long period. Pulsing zombie attacks generally occur without the website users' knowledge. Although pulsing zombie attacks weaken system performance, they do not shut down systems like typical denial-of-service attacks. Knowing about these types of attacks is essential to better protect yourself from them in the future! You know how sometimes you go to a website, and it's working fine, but then all of a sudden, it gets all slow and glitchy? Then, just as suddenly as it happened, things returned to normal. Well, the technical term for that is "pulsing zombies. " Zombie traffic is designed to degrade website operations and efficiency. Pulsing zombies intermittently barrage a targeted website with traffic, impacting website performance and creating noticeably compromised user capabilities. Although the individual barrages are short-lived, pulsing zombies slow the responsiveness of the target. Pulsing zombies are also known as "low-and-slow" attackers. They use sophisticated tools to launch coordinated attacks against specific targets. A pulsing zombie attack can be carried out by one or many individuals acting independently or in concert. The requests are sent in rapid succession but with unanticipated delays between each submission. Each request causes a long transaction time for the server, causing the server to become overloaded and experience performance degradation. Zombies are difficult to disarm because of their potential to continue for long periods without detection and appear benign because they do not inflict catastrophic harm. In addition to these two benefits, pulsing zombie attacks can also be used to create a distraction: if you are trying to get past a security checkpoint, you can just set up a pulsing zombie attack and duck into an empty room.

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