What Is Pseudonym (nym)?
Nym is a name used in place of one's given name. If you use a pseudonym, people might only know you by that name and may not know your real identity. If you were to use the username "bruce wonderful" on a website like Twitter or Reddit, others would only see that username—they may not know that your real name is Bruce. In the computer world, pseudonyms are frequently used when accessing websites or posting comments. You may have an account on Facebook where your friends know you by your real name (such as "Bruce"), but you might have another account where people only know you by a username ("bruce wonderful"). A famous example of a pseudonym is J.K Rowling, who wrote Harry Potter under Joanne Rowling (her first initial followed by her family name). It was done to separate herself from the fantasy genre with which she had previously been associated and to make her books more appealing to adults and children. Pseudonyms are everywhere—the names you don't tell people on social media, the names you use when trying to hide your identity from malicious actors, and the names you give to your pets. Pseudonyms aren't just for protecting yourself or your dog from others; they can also be used to protect yourself from yourself. For example, if you've ever felt like "liking" a post on Facebook that said something terrible but didn't want anyone else to see that you had done so, pseudonyms can help! With the help of a pseudonym, you can have your cake and eat it, too (without anyone knowing). It's not easy to stop the harmful use of pseudonyms—but it is possible. One method is for websites to require a user fee. Another solution may be the use of once-in-a-lifetime pseudonyms. These and other more robust security measures are sometimes necessary to curtail the malicious services of aliases.
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