What Is Privilege?
Do you know what absolute privilege is? Having a computer that doesn't crash all the time. A license is something you should be able to rely on. If you're like me and you've been dealing with a computer that keeps crashing, you need to contact your system administrator. System administrators are responsible for maintaining a computer system, which includes keeping it secure by managing user account permissions and controlling access to specific files. They do this through administrative accounts, file permissions and Access Control Lists (ACLs). Privilege is a concept that's as old as time, but we only recently discovered what it meant. It all started when we first created computers and wanted to keep certain people from accessing specific files. To do this, we developed a system called "privileged" accounts. These accounts were given special powers to change operating system files or install software, so people often refer to them as "super users." Over time, we've realized that having super users is only sometimes a great idea, especially when someone accidentally leaves their account logged in on your computer! So now we try to limit their powers as much as possible by making them use solid passwords and requiring them to enter special codes before they can do anything meaningful. Even though privileged accounts are still helpful for system administration, one that stayed the same since the beginning: privilege itself! You see, privilege has no limits or boundaries; it just keeps going and going until there's nothing left of your computer but a tiny memory chip sitting in the middle of an empty room. The principle of least privilege is a concept that states people should have the least amount of privilege necessary to do their jobs. How are some people so focused on getting a promotion that they need to remember to do their job? It's like that.
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