What Is Open Mobile Alliance (OMA)?
The Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) is a group of mobile service providers, device manufacturers, and content publishers who have come together to improve the world. By working together, they can create standards that allow different devices to work together seamlessly—so you can use your phone to stream music from your laptop or read your book on your tablet. By supporting these standards, the OMA creates a bigger market for all its members—making it easier for everyone involved to make money off their products. They also help make sure that everyone who wants to participate in this global economy has access to the tools they need: by making sure that people with disabilities have equal access to technology and communications systems like smartphones, tablets and social media platforms; by helping people around the world get online so they can start exploring what's out there; and by giving people everywhere easy ways to communicate with each other no matter where they live or what language they speak. If you're a mobile operator, device/network supplier, IT organization or content provider, you probably already know that being part of OMA is a big deal. OMA membership includes approximately 200 organizations—many people working together to improve the mobile experience for end users. We're all in this together! Mobile service interoperability matters. Not only is it essential to ensure that all users can access the same services, but it's also essential to ensure that they can do it in a secure and cost-effective way. Since OMA is an organization that works hard to resolve issues related to mobile service interoperability, we believe in open standards. We know that open standards mean quick and efficient resolution of problems related to mobile service interoperability. They also mean economic benefits for everyone involved—not just for you, but also for your customers!
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