What Is Mean Time To Repair (MTTR)?

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Do you know the secret to a happy life? It's simple: make sure your Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) is as low as possible. MTTR measures the time it takes to repair a specific item or component and return it to working status. It's a primary measure of the maintainability of equipment and parts and tells you how quickly you can get your stuff up and running again after an outage. It's essential to be able to keep your equipment working. This is a must if you're in a business relying on machines. What if you don't have the time or knowledge to fix them? What if you can't afford to send them off for repairs? What are your options? The answer is Mean Time To Repair (MTTR). MTTR is a term that describes how long it takes for an item to be repaired and returned to use after it's been sent out for repairs. It considers the initial notification of the breakdown, the time it takes to send the equipment for repairs, diagnosis, actual fix time, assembly, calibration, testing and then sending it back to the field. MTTR is a measurement of how quickly you can get your equipment fixed. It's calculated by dividing the total time required for repair or maintenance by the total number of repairs done in a specific time frame. So if you have an MTTR of 24 hours and you fix a problem every day, you're always up and running! The lower MTTR is, the better it is. You want to get your stuff fixed as quickly as possible because that means less downtime and more productivity! A high MTTR means many problems with your equipment, and the people who maintain it need to do their jobs better. Here's where it gets really important: If you want to be happy, you need a low MTTR. Why? Because a low MTTR means that your repair times are short, which means less downtime for workers and customers alike! And less downtime = happier people!

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