What Is Macro?

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A macro is a magical thing. It's like a spell, except it works on your computer instead of in the wizarding world. If you've ever used a spreadsheet or word processor, you've seen macros before. They're automated sequences of keystrokes and mouse actions that let you do things that would otherwise be really tedious to do manually. Like copying and pasting data over and over again or formatting an entire document so that it looks the same everywhere, it's used. They're great when they save time and energy, but they can also be treacherous if you need to know what you're doing and sometimes even if you do! So, read up on how to use them safely before getting started! If you're a gamer, you know all about macros. If you're not a gamer, we'll explain macros are basically like cheat codes. They let you do things in a game you usually wouldn't be able to do, and they make your life easier. So, what does that contain to do with SEO? SEO specialists use macros to simplify the process of writing their code. It's called "macro programming", which means that instead of having to type out long instructions every time they want something done—like when they want to link words together—they can press one button and voila! Their code is done for them! The same goes for MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games) gamers: macros help them get things done faster—which means more time for playing the game and less time waiting around for stuff to happen! Macros are a great way to automate repetitive tasks on your computer. For example, if you're the type who likes to keep a folder full of handy links for things like tech support or social media, then you can create a macro that automatically creates the folder for you whenever you start up your machine. Macros can also be run from menus or the toolbar, so it's easy to access them and use them whenever you need them. You can assign a hotkey to any macro, making it even faster to access when needed!

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