What Is Legal Hold?
Do you ever feel like you're in the middle of a game of Clue? You know, where everyone is trying to solve the murder, and you've got a few suspects in your sights? Well, that's what it's like to be a modern organization. You're constantly being questioned about what happened when it happened, how it happened, and if something else might be happening behind the scenes. It used to be that we just had physical evidence to look at: fingerprints on a murder weapon, for example. Now we have digital proof as well! And we can't just hide it under the rug or throw it away; we need to preserve it in case there are any questions about what happened. Businesses need legal holds because lawyers and courts constantly ask questions about what occurred before and during litigation. Preservation orders are often used by third parties who want access to information that might help them in their cases against other parties or organizations. So even though everything is digital these days, having a solid legal hold process is still essential for large and small businesses. Companies can be in a legal hold situation for any number of reasons. It might be that they're being sued, or it might be that they're in the midst of an investigation or audit. Whatever the reason, ensuring you're keeping up with your e-discovery obligations is essential. If you're facing a legal hold situation, your company needs to understand what types of data it may have and where it is located. You'll want to get this information before the court enters its order so everything is predictable regarding e-discovery. Some businesses have turned to automated discovery software to help simplify this process, which employs keywords to scan through emails and documents to uncover relevant information faster than manual approaches. The software then gener
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