What Is Keystroke Logger?
You've probably heard of keystroke loggers. They're the kind of thing that can be used to steal someone's identity or hack into their bank account. Did you know they can also be used to track your habits and find out what you like? Keystroke loggers are spyware that can record every keystroke typed into your computer. Using them lets you quickly tell what websites someone visits and what they say in emails. You can also see if they're using social media sites or playing games online, what files they download from the internet, and where they store them on their hard drive. Some people install keystroke loggers to spy on other people's computers—like employers hiring investigators who want evidence against employees who might be stealing money from their company accounts. There are also ways for people to watch themselves by installing these programs on their devices—and there are good reasons! Sometimes, you need to know what's going on. You want to know if your boss is working late or if he's playing poker with his buddies. You want to see which sites your kids are visiting on the computer. You want to know if your significant other is cheating on you, and you want proof before confronting them (or not confronting them at all). Sometimes, you can't just ask someone what they're doing—because they won't tell you the truth or don't know themselves. In these situations, keystroke loggers can come in handy. They are often used by companies that test the security of their systems, but they can also be used by individuals who want to monitor their activities online. Keystroke loggers record every letter or number someone types into their computer—even passwords! They're often able to capture screenshots, so it's easy for users who install these programs to figure out what websites someone visited or what files they opened on their machines.
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