What Is Internet Relay Chat Worm (IRC Worm)?

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IRC worms! Beware, though, since these itty-bitty worms are not the type you want to find in your garden. Therefore, a technically accurate definition of an IRC worm would be a form of harmful software replicating itself through IRC chat rooms. What ends up happening is that somebody (let's call this person a "troublemaker") makes a worm and then transmits it to a chat room, where it replicates itself. When a person in the chat room clicks on the worm, their computer becomes infected, spreading to other chat rooms and users. Enough with the confusing terminology; let's discuss an IRC worm's actions. To begin, it may cause your computer to run more slowly and result in various strange problems and failures. It can also take your personal information, such as passwords and credit card details, and transmit it back to the person who caused the problem. Even that is not the worst part of it. Some IRC worms are purposefully built to be highly deceptive, such as the ones that pose as helpful chatbots or even claim to be antivirus applications attempting to assist you in removing a virus (while, in reality, they are the infection). You shouldn't be concerned because defenses are available against these annoying worms. Please ensure that your antivirus software is continuously operating and has the most recent update installed. You should also avoid downloading anything or clicking on links sent to you in chat rooms by people you don't know. Even if you end up downloading a malicious IRC worm by accident, you shouldn't freak out! Unplug your computer from the internet and do a comprehensive check for viruses on your device. You can prevent those annoying worms from spoiling your day with a bit of work and common sense.

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