What Is Information Systems Security Engineer (ISSE)?

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Are you a tech-savvy, security-minded person who wants to make a difference? If so, we've got just the job for you. We're seeking an Information Systems Security Engineer (ISSE) to help us design and implement security solutions for our clients. You will determine system security requirements in this role and design the security layout or architecture. You'll also choose the required security tools and existing tool functionality. You need to be experienced with IT infrastructure, network management, and systems administration; we're looking for someone comfortable working with various operating systems and networks. You should also know cryptography concepts and have experience working with encryption algorithms and protocols. This position is full-time, but flexible hours are available depending on your availability. The salary is competitive based on experience level—and there's room for growth! The first step for an information systems security engineer (ISSE) is always to determine the client's security requirements. It can be tricky because clients often need to be made aware of their requirements. The ISSE must take measures to build systems around those requirements and ensure that they maintain the security of systems and information. The ISSE designs the architecture of an information system (IS) and chooses the pieces of the method used to perform the needed functions. The ISSE then prepares a security design for the system and desires components to instill system security measures. It can involve selecting commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software or custom products. Next, the ISSE implements system security by ensuring that the system works as planned. This includes testing and documenting the whole system and may include training people on the designs. A good ISSE will be able to quickly identify any issues with the system, and they'll make sure that it's secure from outside threats. They also work with developers when problems arise with a specific part of the code.

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