What Is Dual Boot?

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If you've ever wanted to run multiple operating systems on your computer, you've probably heard of dual booting. Dual-booting is a technique to keep various operating systems within the boot sequence on the same computer. Users can select from multiple operating systems at the initial boot sequence or system startup. It allows users to switch between multiple operating systems without restarting their computers. You may have heard this term used interchangeably with multi-booting and multiboot, but they have some differences. When we say "dual boot," we mean that two separate operating systems are installed on your computer, each occupying its partition; when we say "multiboot,".We suggest that different distributions are installed onto one section; when we say "multiboot," we mean that several other distributions are installed onto one partition. Dual-booting is useful when you have different operating systems for various tasks and want to switch between them anytime. It can be helpful for routine tasks, like keeping your work and personal emails separate. Dual-booting is useful for desktop and laptop computers and can be done via software or firmware. Dual-booting is often done between two major versions of the same operating system, such as Windows 7 and 10 or Mac OS X 10.11 and 10.12, but is not limited to those combinations. Any operating system that Can install can install on a computer can be dual-booted with any other operating system. Dual-booting is a way to get the best of both worlds. One operating system can be installed on your computer and another on an external drive. You can even have two and have both operating systems installed on separate partitions in each enterprise. The great thing about the dual boot is that you don't have to choose between operating systems—you can run them simultaneously!

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