What Is DRY Principle?

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It's good to see you! Are you ready to learn about the DRY concept in an entertaining and unique way? Great! "DRY" means "Don't Repeat Yourself." It makes programming more efficient and less error-prone by eliminating duplicate information. Consider this: if you bake a cake and use the same ingredients in the batter as you do in the frosting, you're being DRY. Yet using various ingredients for each isn't dry and can make a mess in the kitchen. Implementing the DRY principle in your code might look like this: When you want to bundle related functionality, use functions or modules. Instead of repeating the same code throughout your software, establish a function or module to do it. Your code will be easier to maintain and reuse due to this change. #reusability #modularity Avoid hard-coding values. If you're using the same data in several places in your code, keeping it in a variable is best. If you need to update the value, you only have to do it once. #maintainability Use configuration files or environment variables. This is useful when values vary by environment. Instead of hard-coding the data put it in a configuration file or environment variable and import it into your code at runtime. #configuration The DRY (don't repeat yourself) philosophy is comparable to a superpower for your programming. It makes it more efficient, more reusable, and less error-prone. And who wouldn't want their very own codebase? That is extremely useful, extremely reusable, and extremely free of mistakes. Say you're constructing a website that lists all the products in an online store. Let's assume that the website can be accessed in several different languages. Rather than writing the same product information multiple times for each language, you can create a single source of truth for the product information and then use that information to generate the website in each language. This will save you the time and effort required to write the product information. Thus, you can update product information in one spot. You don't have to redo the product information if you add a language. #single-source-of-truth DRY will save you time, headaches, and possibly cake mix. Therefore, remember the adage, "Don't Repeat Yourself!" #DRY

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