What Is Discoverable Mode?

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Do you know the times in your childhood when there was no Wi-Fi or other fast connection to transfer your songs from one mobile device to another? The only thing you could do was to keep two devices side by side and turn on the magic that was Bluetooth. Bluetooth is a technology that authorizes devices to communicate wirelessly over short distances. It's useful for transferring data between devices, including pictures and music. Discoverable mode is one of the ways that Bluetooth technology can be used to establish a connection between two devices. You might think of it as the equivalent of putting out a "help wanted" sign at your office or home. If you're looking for someone else to connect with, you need to make it known that you're available! When a device enters Discoverable mode, it emits information about itself over the airwaves so other Bluetooth-enabled devices can detect and connect. This allows those devices to exchange data in real-time if they want to. Bluetooth is great for connecting devices, but it's even better for connecting people. You don't have to be in the same room to feel connected to someone. When you're in discoverable mode, your phone is looking for another device that can connect. When do you turn on the Bluetooth? The other device can see you're available and ask if they can connect! It's like being in a crowded room at a party. Everyone wants to talk to you! If you turn off discoverable mode? No one will ever be able to find your phone! Even if they're looking right at it, they will only know it's there if they ask around. Even then… well, maybe not even then. The party might have moved on by then! So remember to keep your Bluetooth turned on so everyone knows how cool you are!

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