What Is Component Object Model+ (COM+)?

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What could be more fantastic than a vast, magnificent steak? An extensive and aesthetically beautiful steak that, when chewed, may be ground up into one's cheeks. Are you conscious of the fact that there is something even more incredible? When you take a bite of that juicy steak, and then a crisp one-dollar bill flies out of your mouth! Now, I'm not saying it will happen every time you chomp down on a juicy piece of flesh, but it may occur periodically, which is why we need to speak about COM+. The COM+ standard is a binary interoperability standard that provides a paradigm for distributed object communication. Microsoft developed it. Microsoft was the company that initially established this standard. COM+ differentiates between client apps and server applications by using this distinction as a method for defining communication. A client is an object that requests access to a particular service, while a server is an object that provides services to things that have been designated as clients. Both the client and the server can communicate with one another, independent of the programming language in which they were originalinitially builtoperating system that acts as an intermediary between them. The acronym COM+ refers to the Component Object Model plus, where it gets its name. The COM+ specification not only expands upon the capabilities of the first COM specification but also adds new features, which is why this moniker was chosen for the new standard. Some applications of this feature include support for transaction processing, security, distributed transactions, error handling and recovery, broadcast events, and remote procedure calls. Other examples of its use include distributed transactions (RPCs). Developers can create server-side components that clients can use in any language or platform (including Java), so long as all of the clients use COM+. This is possible since all clients must use COM+ for the server-side components to function correctly.

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