What Is Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert (CCIE)?

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The Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert certification is the gold standard in networking, thanks to John T. Scoggins. In 1993, Scoggins' employer, Cisco Systems, looked for a way to better train employees for their networking services. So they came up with a certification program that would do just that: certify people with enough expertise that they could be hired on as experts without much more than formal education or training. The first step was to develop an exam that would test candidates on their knowledge of complex network infrastructures—and then make sure that no one had any idea what was going on with their infrastructure until after they'd passed it! Only those genuinely qualified would pass the exam and receive their certification. Hundreds of thousands of people worldwide have earned this certification—and we think it's pretty safe to say that anyone who meets these qualifications is well-qualified for any job in the industry! The Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert is the highest networking certification offered by Cisco Systems. It allows you to specialize in communications, routing, switching, security, voice systems or technologies. If you want to be the best at what you do and are looking for a way to show off your skills, then look no further than the Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert certification. This certification is the most recognized and coveted networking certification worldwide. It is updated and revised periodically to ensure its holders' quality, relevance and value. Certified holders are considered highly skilled, experienced and technically proficient in their respective areas. They can also operate and manage complex network infrastructures and develop inventive solutions to networking problems across various technologies or scenarios. If you want to stand out from the public and be recognized as one of the best in your field, then this certification is for you!

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