What Is Arithmetic Operator?

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Dear friends, Arithmetic Operators are similar to superheroes in mathematics. They execute calculations on numbers and can simplify even the most challenging problems to an easy-to-understand form. Let's begin with the fundamental operations of addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), and division (/) to get our feet wet. These mathematical operators are relatively easy to understand and behave precisely how one would anticipate them in common mathematical situations. To illustrate, if you have $100 and want to determine how much money you will have remaining after purchasing a new video game that costs $60, you would use subtraction to arrive at the answer: 100 minus 60 equals 40. Easy peasy! So hold on, and there's much more to it! In addition, there is something called the modulus operator (%), which provides the remainder after division. Consequently, if you want to find out what the remaining is after you divide 14 by 3, you would use the modulus operator, which is written as 14% 3 = 2. This can be of great use to you when trying to determine whether a number is even or odd. The next operator on our list is the increment operator (++), which makes a value 1 more than it was before. To illustrate, if you have a variable called x and wish to raise its value by one, you would use the increment operator, which is written as x++. This can be helpful when you need to keep track of the frequency with which something occurs. The decrement operator (--), which reduces a value by one, is the last on our list, but certainly not the least. To illustrate, if you have a variable named x and wish to reduce its value by one, you would use the decrement operator, which is written as x—. You might find this helpful when you're getting ready for something specific. So there you have it, ladies and gentlemen! The arithmetic operators are like the superheroes of mathematics because they make computations much easier. You can solve any problem thrown your way if you have the addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, modulus, increment, and decrement operators at your disposal.

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